News Archive


We are proud to announce that, starting January 2023, Nuno Maulide will join the Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis Academic Advisory Board, becoming an...


Last month, GQ Portugal awarded our group leader, Professor Nuno Maulide, with the "Man of the Year" prize in the category of Science....


Great news from JACS! Two of our latest papers are among the most read articles in the Journal of American Chemical Society.


Three members of our group (Philip Grant, Immo Klose and Iakovos Saridakis) were invited to take part in the 2022 Chemistry edition of the Lindau...


Recent university press release brings attention to one of our recent publications, showcasing thiouronium ylides as valuable olefination reagents.


MedChem Runner-up poster prize awarded to our group member Vincent Porte.


34 renouned Chemistry professors around Europe, among which our group leader, were selected with other 21 PhD students in the field, in order to...


Former group member Adriano Bauer has been awarded wtih the Karl-Schlögl prize from the ÖAW for his outstanding PhD-thesis work, carried out under the...


Chemistry Europe, a coalition of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries publishing a range of high-quality scientific chemistry journals and...


Our group member Miran Lemmerer, in conjunction with Ludovica Martina Epasto (Dennis Kurzbach group) were awarded with funding for the "New Ideas"...


The Österreich Journal recently dedicated an entry (p.127, "Wissenschaft & Technik" section) to the work of our group regarding new and greener...


Our recent JOC publication "Electrochemical Umpolung C-H Functionalisation of Oxindoles" highlighted this month as one of the most read papers.